July 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Fri Jul 1 07:11:07 CDT 2011
Ending: Sun Jul 31 23:55:43 CDT 2011
Messages: 311
- [petsc-users] ILU and Block Gauss Seidel smoothing
Gianluca Meneghello
- [petsc-users] Best way to solve eqns for Runge Kutta 3rd order schemes
TAY wee-beng
- [petsc-users] Number of decimals in Viewer
Elias Goldmann
- [petsc-users] Increasing parallel speed-up
Haren, S.W. van (Steven)
- [petsc-users] petsc4py DA with dof>1 confusion
Matthew Emmett
- [petsc-users] Increasing parallel speed-up
Haren, S.W. van (Steven)
- [petsc-users] PETSc recommended visualization packages
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] Number of decimals in Viewer
Elias Goldmann
- [petsc-users] Start multiple Jobs from one process
Yixun Liu
- [petsc-users] A Beginner Question
Stefan Kolb
- [petsc-users] Matrix Construction Question
Adam Byrd
- [petsc-users] Question for time dependent problems
Travis C. Fisher
- [petsc-users] sgi mpt errors
- [petsc-users] Coupled multi-component problems with TS
Jonathan Backs
- [petsc-users] scattering and communications
Marco Cisternino
- [petsc-users] Petsc has generated inconsistent data - Divide by zero!
TAY wee-beng
- [petsc-users] petsc-3.1-p8 configure error
Yudong Sun
- [petsc-users] scattering and communications
Marco Cisternino
- [petsc-users] Controlling ML
John Fettig
- [petsc-users] MPI v. Pthreads ?
John Chludzinski
- [petsc-users] [petsc-maint #78983] Re: MPI v. Pthreads ?
John Chludzinski
- [petsc-users] [petsc-maint #78993] Re: MPI v. Pthreads ?
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] Field dependent stencil in DAs
Kevin Green
- [petsc-users] Storing a matrix in PETSc binary form?
John Chludzinski
- [petsc-users] Debugging hints welcome
Clemens Domanig
- [petsc-users] To store the matrix.
Xuefei (Rebecca) Yuan
- [petsc-users] VecPointwiseDivide for Vecs with multiple DOFs?
Max Rudolph
- [petsc-users] Can I set up the initial guess for the solution vector for the KSP?
Nan.Jia at Dartmouth.edu
- [petsc-users] tfqmr true residual norm monitoring
Алексей Рязанов
- [petsc-users] superlu ILUT preconditioner break
Gong Ding
- [petsc-users] How to get diagonal entries ...
Clemens Domanig
- [petsc-users] reading petsc binary vec in python.
Ataollah Mesgarnejad
- [petsc-users] Question about ts_ssp
Kostas Kontzialis
- [petsc-users] Naturally ordered to DA vector copy
khalid ashraf
- [petsc-users] Repeated Solves
Adam Byrd
- [petsc-users] Getting infos out of MUMPS
Clemens Domanig
- [petsc-users] Trouble with running code on GPU's
Gaurish Telang
- [petsc-users] Conditional Constraints
Jonathan Backs
- [petsc-users] MatMatMul with mpidense
Kyle Wendt
- [petsc-users] Conditional Constraints
Vijay S. Mahadevan
- [petsc-users] use Superlu as ilu preconditioner
Ping Rong
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
John Chludzinski
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Berend van Wachem
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Berend van Wachem
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Berend van Wachem
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Berend van Wachem
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Berend van Wachem
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Matt Bockman
- [petsc-users] PETSc, C++ and Eclipse
Klaus Zimmermann
- [petsc-users] hdf5 directive
Ataollah Mesgarnejad
- [petsc-users] Compilation error in petsc 3.1-p8 with ParMetis
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] Paralell matrix storage
Stefan Kolb
- [petsc-users] MatCreateSeqDense ?
John Chludzinski
- [petsc-users] Question on re-coding ex29
Alan Wei
- [petsc-users] To use SuperLU as a direct solver
Xuefei (Rebecca) Yuan
- [petsc-users] [error] [petsc-3.1-p8]
- [petsc-users] Retrieving Individual Values from a Parallel Matrix
Adam Byrd
- [petsc-users] memory corruption
Xuefei (Rebecca) Yuan
- [petsc-users] Grid Partitioning with ParMetis
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] Sometimes it's better NOT to parallelize ??? (SLEPc question?)
John Chludzinski
- [petsc-users] Preconditioned JFNK using SuperLU_dist for time dependent problems
Travis C. Fisher
- [petsc-users] force ksp to continue if divergence or increase divergence tol, how ?
Pierre-Yves Aquilanti
- [petsc-users] Preconditioned JFNK using SuperLU_dist for time dependent problems
Travis C. Fisher
- [petsc-users] Will using SBAIJ to solve for all eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a symmetric sparse matrix produced one row at a time be beneficial ?
Shitij Bhargava
- [petsc-users] Is there a way to print out the nonzero structure of a matrix?
Xuefei (Rebecca) Yuan
Last message date:
Sun Jul 31 23:55:43 CDT 2011
Archived on: Sun Jul 31 23:55:45 CDT 2011
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