[petsc-users] superlu ILUT preconditioner break

Gong Ding gdiso at ustc.edu
Sun Jul 17 04:44:45 CDT 2011


Several months ago, I posted message "superlu ILUT preconditioner break" with following link

Today I studied this problem carefully to see why it crashes.

The segment fault is arising at line 692 of superlu's dgsisx.c, because the array "perm" is 0.
This array which contains the permutation calculated from MC64 procedure, can only be initialized when nofact flag is true. However, petsc will call dgsisx twice, with nofact value 1 and 0, respectively.  In the second calling, the perm array is not initialized but be used. That's why the code crash.

Hope this bug can be fixed without too many efforts.

Gong Ding

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