[petsc-users] use Superlu as ilu preconditioner

Ping Rong ping.rong at tuhh.de
Tue Jul 26 15:53:36 CDT 2011

Dear developers,

I have compiled petsc-3.1-p8 for a while. Now I would like to use 
superlu as an ilu preconditioner, since it offers the drop tolerance 
option. I have read in a thread 
that one can run the code with option

-pc_type ilu -pc_factor_mat_solver_package superlu 
-mat_superlu_ilu_droptol <>

to setup the ilu preconditioner. I also use the option "-help |grep 
superlu" to check the settings. However, no matter how I change the 
value of -mat_superlu_ilu_droptol, I always got the same result
   -mat_superlu_lwork <0>: size of work array in bytes used by 
factorization (None)
   -mat_superlu_ilu_droptol <0.0001>: ILU_DropTol (None)
   -mat_superlu_ilu_filltol <0.01>: ILU_FillTol (None)
I dont know whether I understand it correctly. But it seems to me the 
value of the droptol has never been changed. In that maillist thread, it 
was also mentioned that the dev-version is recommended, because of some 
bugs in the superlu interface. I have then compiled the current 
dev-version. but the problem is my program is based on another library 
(libMesh) which uses petsc as a solver package. Since some of the 
interfaces have been changed in the dev-version, I would not be able to 
compile the libMesh with petsc anymore.
Is there anyway I can correct the superlu interface in the 3.1-p8 
version directly? Any help will be appreciated!!

Best regards

Ping Rong, M.Sc.
Hamburg University of Technology
Institut of modelling and computation
Denickestraße 17 (Room 3031)
21073 Hamburg

Tel.: ++49 - (0)40 42878 2749
Fax:  ++49 - (0)40 42878 43533
Email: ping.rong at tuhh.de

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