January 2018 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Jan 4 00:12:29 CST 2018
Ending: Tue Jan 30 22:17:15 CST 2018
Messages: 170
- [petsc-users] petsc4py, cython
Jaroslaw Piwonski (CAU)
- [petsc-users] petsc4py, cython
Jaroslaw Piwonski (CAU)
- [petsc-users] petsc4py, cython
Jaroslaw Piwonski (CAU)
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
서승진 (기계항공및원자력공학부)
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
서승진 (기계항공및원자력공학부)
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
서승진 (기계항공및원자력공학부)
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
서승진 (기계항공및원자력공학부)
- [petsc-users] Convergence test norm
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] hypre with OMP
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] with-openmp error with hypre
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] using makefiles
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] using makefiles
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] using makefiles
Mark Adams
- [petsc-users] Install Petsc from repository "--download-fblaslapack libraries cannot be used"
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] Install Petsc from repository "--download-fblaslapack libraries cannot be used"
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] How to generate manul.pdf from source files
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] using makefiles
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] Error during PETSc build on Edison
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] Error during PETSc build on Edison
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] Petsc messing with OpenMP
Satish Balay
- [petsc-users] Error during PETSc build on Edison
Amneet Bhalla
- [petsc-users] Error during PETSc build on Edison
Amneet Bhalla
- [petsc-users] Solvers for phase field fracture
Blaise A Bourdin
- [petsc-users] Time cost by Vec Assembly
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] A question on Schur complement
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] A question on Schur complement
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] petsc and mumps for compute user-specified set of entries in inv(A)
Marius Buerkle
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Marius Buerkle
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Marius Buerkle
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Marius Buerkle
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Marius Buerkle
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Marius Buerkle
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] Weak scaling test with geometric multigrid
Buesing, Henrik
- [petsc-users] petsc4py, cython
Lisandro Dalcin
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Lisandro Dalcin
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Lisandro Dalcin
- [petsc-users] Convergence test norm
El Haddad, Fadi
- [petsc-users] matrix free non linear solver Fortran
El Haddad, Fadi
- [petsc-users] Issue with KSPSolve when the number of CPUs are larger than four
Mohammad Gohardoust
- [petsc-users] Issue with KSPSolve when the number of CPUs are larger than four
Mohammad Gohardoust
- [petsc-users] Issue with KSPSolve when the number of CPUs are larger than four
Mohammad R. Gohardoust
- [petsc-users] Solvers for phase field fracture
Sanjay Govindjee
- [petsc-users] matrix preallocation for unstructured finite element
Sanjay Govindjee
- [petsc-users] Install Petsc from repository "--download-fblaslapack libraries cannot be used"
John Haase
- [petsc-users] Install Petsc from repository "--download-fblaslapack libraries cannot be used"
John Haase
- [petsc-users] Install Petsc from repository "--download-fblaslapack libraries cannot be used"
John Haase
- [petsc-users] Combine distributed vector into local vector
- [petsc-users] petsc and mumps for compute user-specified set of entries in inv(A)
- [petsc-users] FEM & conformal mesh
Yann Jobic
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Ali Berk Kahraman
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Ali Berk Kahraman
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Ali Berk Kahraman
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Ali Berk Kahraman
- [petsc-users] Solvers for phase field fracture
- [petsc-users] Solvers for phase field fracture
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range New nonzero at (55, 157) caused a malloc
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Issue with KSPSolve when the number of CPUs are larger than four
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] petsc4py, cython
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] matrix free non linear solver Fortran
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] HDF5 Write attribute
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] matrix preallocation for unstructured finite element
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Solve Schur complement problem
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Novice: How to implement the petsc Gmres libraries in my CFD code
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Novice: How to implement the petsc Gmres libraries in my CFD code
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Is there a partition section in a distributed DM object?
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] How to generate manul.pdf from source files
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] using makefiles
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Time cost by Vec Assembly
Fande Kong
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Kong, Fande
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Kong, Fande
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Kong, Fande
- [petsc-users] How to generate manul.pdf from source files
Kong, Fande
- [petsc-users] How to generate manul.pdf from source files
Kong, Fande
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Fande Kong
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Fande Kong
- [petsc-users] Using SLEPC: Fortran call to NEPNLEIGSSetSingularitiesFunction (similar to SNESSetFunction?)
Samuel Lanthaler
- [petsc-users] Using SLEPC: Fortran call to NEPNLEIGSSetSingularitiesFunction (similar to SNESSetFunction?)
Samuel Lanthaler
- [petsc-users] Using SLEPC: Fortran call to NEPNLEIGSSetSingularitiesFunction (similar to SNESSetFunction?)
Samuel Lanthaler
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Alexander Lindsay
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Alexander Lindsay
- [petsc-users] valgrind errors on vecscattercreatetoAll
Randall Mackie
- [petsc-users] Weak scaling test with geometric multigrid
Dave May
- [petsc-users] Petsc messing with OpenMP
Timothée Nicolas
- [petsc-users] Petsc messing with OpenMP
Timothée Nicolas
- [petsc-users] Petsc messing with OpenMP
Timothée Nicolas
- [petsc-users] HDF5 Write attribute
Marek Pecha
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Aurelien Ponte
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Aurelien Ponte
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Aurelien Ponte
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Aurelien Ponte
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Aurelien Ponte
- [petsc-users] Using SLEPC: Fortran call to NEPNLEIGSSetSingularitiesFunction (similar to SNESSetFunction?)
Jose E. Roman
- [petsc-users] Using SLEPC: Fortran call to NEPNLEIGSSetSingularitiesFunction (similar to SNESSetFunction?)
Jose E. Roman
- [petsc-users] Combine distributed vector into local vector
Anthony Ruth
- [petsc-users] Jacobian matrix construction when dof > 1
Rahul Samala
- [petsc-users] local/global Vec for SNES function/jacobian
Matteo Semplice
- [petsc-users] Solvers for phase field fracture
Avtar Singh
- [petsc-users] PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range New nonzero at (55, 157) caused a malloc
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Convergence test norm
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] local/global Vec for SNES function/jacobian
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Geometric multigrid with a cell-centered discretization
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Weak scaling test with geometric multigrid
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Issue with KSPSolve when the number of CPUs are larger than four
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] I have a question for PETSc example
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] matrix free non linear solver Fortran
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] valgrind errors on vecscattercreatetoAll
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] valgrind errors on vecscattercreatetoAll
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] petsc4py f2py
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] valgrind errors on vecscattercreatetoAll
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Possible post-docs or job positions working with the PETSc team
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] hypre with OMP
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Solve Schur complement problem
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Changing the operator for PCMG while leaving interpolation matrices unchanged
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Changing the operator for PCMG while leaving interpolation matrices unchanged
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Jacobian matrix construction when dof > 1
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Novice: How to implement the petsc Gmres libraries in my CFD code
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Changing the operator for PCMG while leaving interpolation matrices unchanged
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] [petsc-maint] A question on Schur complement
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] How to generate manul.pdf from source files
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Context behind SNESComputeFunction call
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Parallel Matrix Causes a Deadlock
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Error during PETSc build on Edison
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Petsc messing with OpenMP
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] combine two matrices with different non-zero structure
Smith, Barry F.
- [petsc-users] Is there a partition section in a distributed DM object?
Jordan Wagner
- [petsc-users] Novice: How to implement the petsc Gmres libraries in my CFD code
Stephen Wornom
- [petsc-users] Changing the operator for PCMG while leaving interpolation matrices unchanged
Ben Yee
- [petsc-users] Changing the operator for PCMG while leaving interpolation matrices unchanged
Ben Yee
- [petsc-users] Changing the operator for PCMG while leaving interpolation matrices unchanged
Ben Yee
- [petsc-users] PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range New nonzero at (55, 157) caused a malloc
Hao Zhang
- [petsc-users] matrix preallocation for unstructured finite element
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] matrix preallocation for unstructured finite element
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] Solve Schur complement problem
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] Solve Schur complement problem
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] Solve Schur complement problem
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] A question on Schur complement
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] Fwd: [petsc-maint] A question on Schur complement
saturday luis
- [petsc-users] A question on Schur complement
saturday luis
Last message date:
Tue Jan 30 22:17:15 CST 2018
Archived on: Tue Jan 30 22:17:33 CST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).