May 2011 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun May 1 02:40:48 CDT 2011
Ending: Tue May 31 16:46:29 CDT 2011
Messages: 256
- [petsc-users] Preallocation (Unstructured FE)
Gong Ding
- [petsc-users] Preallocation (Unstructured FE)
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] parallel incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient solver
Li, Zhisong (lizs)
- [petsc-users] working with different size of arrays in a single DA
ilyas ilyas
- [petsc-users] ML Statistics like BoomerAMG Print Statistics
Travis Austin
- [petsc-users] Complex spmv performance
Nun ion
- [petsc-users] question about petsc and gpus
Randall Mackie
- [petsc-users] PETSc-GPU
Gaurish Telang
- [petsc-users] PetscSortRealWithPermutation causes segfaults
S V N Vishwanathan
- [petsc-users] Erro in solution
Danesh Daroui
- [petsc-users] Get and Set the k-th diagonal elements
Xiangdong Liang
- [petsc-users] checking for hypre in preprocessor
Ataollah Mesgarnejad
- [petsc-users] Using PETSc with custom data structures
Milan Mitrovic
- [petsc-users] Using PETSc with a custom data structure
Milan Mitrovic
- [petsc-users] Flexiable AIJ matrix for nonzeros -- hash table version
Gong Ding
- [petsc-users] nonzero prescribed boundary condition
- [petsc-users] SPAI preconditioner in PETSc
Danesh Daroui
- [petsc-users] Error of petsc builde or the conflic between Petsc and intel-window Microsoft Visual Stud compiler
Nguyen Hung Thanh
- [petsc-users] SPAI preconditioner in PETSc
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] A beginner question about a PETSc example
Nan.Jia at
- [petsc-users] Maximum number of local vectors?
Алексей Рязанов
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Sylvain Barbot
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Sylvain Barbot
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Sylvain Barbot
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Sylvain Barbot
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Sylvain Barbot
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Bartłomiej W
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Matthew Knepley
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Bartłomiej W
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Bartłomiej W
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Bartłomiej W
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] Matrix stored on many machines, filled by one process
Bartłomiej W
- [petsc-users] V-cycle multigrid with matrix shells
Jed Brown
- [petsc-users] Matrix with different number of rows on different processes
martin flehmig
- [petsc-users] Tuning the parallel performance of a 3D FEM CFD code
Henning Sauerland
- [petsc-users] Sparse Approximate Inverse (SPAI) preconditioner
Danesh Daroui
- [petsc-users] Document mistake of SNESLineSearchSetPostCheck
Gong Ding
- [petsc-users] -log_summary output
ilyas ilyas
- [petsc-users] Fwd: SNES examples question
Barry Smith
- [petsc-users] VecSetValue. fails with -O1/2/3
Clemens Domanig
- [petsc-users] Can you provide a basic example of using PCMG for multigrid applications?
Li, Zhisong (lizs)
- [petsc-users] Ksp Null space
Ataollah Mesgarnejad
- [petsc-users] running ex29 in snes
Qian Zhu
- [petsc-users] Can you provide a basic example of using PCMG for multigrid applications?
- [petsc-users] How to get a duoble array into petsc Vec?
Dürrwang, Jürgen
- [petsc-users] ML Optimization and local preconditioners
Li, Zhisong (lizs)
- [petsc-users] creating csr matrix from 3 arrays
Dürrwang, Jürgen
- [petsc-users] Direct solver for 3D-FEM
Thomas Witkowski
- [petsc-users] configure of PETSc with multiple cores
Thomas Witkowski
- [petsc-users] Examples needed for testing a new sparse matrix format
William Gropp
- [petsc-users] configure mpirun problem
charles reid
- [petsc-users] PETSc on 64 bit machine
Bartłomiej W
- [petsc-users] ILU and Block Gauss Seidel smoothing
Gianluca Meneghello
- [petsc-users] Undefined symbols 'petscstack' and 'PetscMemzero'
Miguel Fosas
- [petsc-users] tecplot viewer
Blaise Bourdin
- [petsc-users] Petsc option and scalablity problems on ML
Li, Zhisong (lizs)
- [petsc-users] Matload failed with petsc-3.1-p8
Dürrwang, Jürgen
- [petsc-users] PETSc with Qt
Mohammad Mirzadeh
- [petsc-users] what does it mean with "-1.#IND" in solution vector?
Longmin RAN
- [petsc-users] ILU preconditioner
Danesh Daroui
- [petsc-users] Memory allocated for a matrix
Thomas Witkowski
- [petsc-users] Different factorizations within one scope
Alexander Grayver
- [petsc-users] question on extracting a column from a matrix
Last message date:
Tue May 31 16:46:29 CDT 2011
Archived on: Tue May 31 16:46:52 CDT 2011
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