[petsc-users] SNES convergence issue

Tian(ICT) rongtian at ncic.ac.cn
Mon May 16 07:27:29 CDT 2011


SNES does not converge. After I tested following FAQ hints but still could not find a reason.
Could you please refer to the following THREE outputs to give me some hints.

================OUTPUT 1=============
C:\cygwin\home\rabbit\pGFEM-test>pgfem -info
[0] PetscInitialize(): PETSc successfully started: number of processors = 1
[0] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS RTI458-LAPTOP=(?.
[0] PetscInitialize(): Running on machine: RTI458-LAPTOP
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 1140850688 -2080374784 max
tags = 2147483647
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483647
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483646
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483645
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483644
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483643
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483642
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850688 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483641
atol=1e-050, rtol=1e-008, stol=1e-008, maxit=50, maxf=10000
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483640
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483639
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483638
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483637
[0] MatSetUpPreallocation(): Warning not preallocating matrix storage
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 24 X 24; storage space: 264 unneeded,5
76 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 48
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 24
[0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 5 nodes of 24. Limit used: 5. Using Inode routines
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 24 X 24; storage space: 184 unneeded,3
92 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 24
[0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 15 nodes of 24. Limit used: 5. Using Inode routines
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483636
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483635
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483634
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483633
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483632
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up new PC
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 1140850689 -2080374783 max
tags = 2147483647
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483647
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483646
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483645
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483644
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator 1140850689 -20803747
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483643
[0] PetscCommDuplicate():   returning tag 2147483631
[0] KSPDefaultConverged(): Linear solver has converged. Residual norm 6.43598e-0
08 is less than relative tolerance 1e-005 times initial right hand side norm 0.0
984377 at iteration 1
[0] SNESSolve_LS(): iter=0, linear solve iterations=1
[0] SNESLSCheckResidual_Private(): ||J^T(F-Ax)||/||F-AX|| 4.72897e+006 near zero
 implies inconsistent rhs
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=5.00000
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=2.23337
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.05579
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubically determined step, lambda=5.2789979631326939e
[0] SNESSolve_LS(): fnorm=7.0710677904340784e+000, gnorm=7.0372413153730617e+000
, ynorm=9.8437692875833122e-002, lssucceed=1
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 24 X 24; storage space: 56 unneeded,57
6 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 16
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 24
[0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 5 nodes of 24. Limit used: 5. Using Inode routines
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Matrix size: 24 X 24; storage space: 184 unneeded,3
92 used
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Number of mallocs during MatSetValues() is 0
[0] MatAssemblyEnd_SeqAIJ(): Maximum nonzeros in any row is 24
[0] Mat_CheckInode(): Found 15 nodes of 24. Limit used: 5. Using Inode routines
[0] PCSetUp(): Setting up PC with same nonzero pattern
[0] KSPDefaultConverged(): Linear solver has converged. Residual norm 3.06534e-0
08 is less than relative tolerance 1e-005 times initial right hand side norm 0.0
979013 at iteration 1
[0] SNESSolve_LS(): iter=1, linear solve iterations=1
[0] SNESLSCheckResidual_Private(): ||J^T(F-Ax)||/||F-AX|| 3.89599e+006 near zero
 implies inconsistent rhs
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=5.00000
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=2.04981
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=7.90835
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.64025
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.64025
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=2.40360
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=3.57264
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=5.33322
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=7.91785
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.14184
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Cubic step no good, shrinking lambda,  lambda=1.41828
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): Unable to find good step length! 18
[0] SNESLineSearchCubic(): fnorm=7.0372413153730617e+000, gnorm=7.03724146468665
79e+000, ynorm=9.7901291669040949e-002, lambda=1.4182888220817765e-015, initial
[0] SNESSolve_LS(): fnorm=7.0372413153730617e+000, gnorm=7.0372414646866579e+000
, ynorm=9.7901291669040949e-002, lssucceed=0
[0] SNESLSCheckLocalMin_Private(): || J^T F|| 3.8948e+006 near zero implies foun
d a local minimum
STEP 0 (Newton iterations: 2)

diverged reason: DIVERGED_LS_FAILURE
[0] Petsc_DelComm(): Deleting PETSc communicator imbedded in a user MPI_Comm 114
[0] PetscCommDestroy(): Deleting PETSc MPI_Comm -2080374783
[0] Petsc_DelComm(): Deleting PETSc communicator imbedded in a user MPI_Comm -20
[0] Petsc_DelTag(): Deleting tag data in an MPI_Comm -2080374783

===============OUTPUT 2==================
C:\cygwin\home\rabbit\pGFEM-test>pgfem -snes_type test
atol=1e-050, rtol=1e-008, stol=1e-008, maxit=50, maxf=10000
Testing hand-coded Jacobian, if the ratio is
O(1.e-8), the hand-coded Jacobian is probably correct.
Run with -snes_test_display to show difference
of hand-coded and finite difference Jacobian.
Norm of matrix ratio 5.91627e-007 difference 23.5238
Norm of matrix ratio 2.1444e-007 difference 8.52641
Norm of matrix ratio 2.49179e-007 difference 9.90765
[0]PETSC ERROR: SNESSolve() line 1871 in src/snes/interface/C:\cygwin\home\PETSC
[0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 302 in unknowndirectory/c:\cygwin\
home\rabbit\pgfem - csrbf\domain.cpp
[0]PETSC ERROR: User provided function() line 34 in unknowndirectory/c:\cygwin\h
ome\rabbit\pgfem - csrbf\main.cpp

=================OUTPUT 3===============
C:\cygwin\home\rabbit\pGFEM-test>pgfem -snes_mf_operator -ksp_monitor_true_residual

 0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.393538348796e-001 true resid norm 7.81673715
5471e-001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 1.000000000000e+000
  1 KSP preconditioned resid norm 8.503891307640e-002 true resid norm 9.78452660
6728e-001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 1.251740516806e+000
  2 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.769264336444e-005 true resid norm 3.06983248
7178e+001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 3.927255613334e+001
  3 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.140259007162e-005 true resid norm 3.58014377
1001e+001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 4.580099982632e+001
  4 KSP preconditioned resid norm 3.271042954922e-006 true resid norm 3.39507468
5413e+000 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 4.343339961273e+000
  5 KSP preconditioned resid norm 8.052808588169e-009 true resid norm 5.12770240
1411e-002 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 6.559901272645e-002
 29 SNES Function norm 7.688867566940e-001
  0 KSP preconditioned resid norm 9.650772260845e-002 true resid norm 6.46872347
8452e-001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 1.000000000000e+000
  1 KSP preconditioned resid norm 8.382067825597e-002 true resid norm 8.95465886
5836e-001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 1.384300765934e+000
  2 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.770083563275e-005 true resid norm 4.75963661
5364e+001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 7.357922519363e+001
  3 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.746905778563e-005 true resid norm 5.65561314
8780e+001 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 8.743012694265e+001
  4 KSP preconditioned resid norm 2.595985260271e-006 true resid norm 4.85638048
7409e+000 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 7.507478876761e+000
  5 KSP preconditioned resid norm 1.791711722028e-007 true resid norm 6.13620207
0783e-002 ||Ae||/||Ax|| 9.485955136624e-002
 50 SNES Function norm 6.449968664911e-001
STEP 0 (Newton iterations: 50)

diverged reason: DIVERGED_MAX_IT

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