[MOAB-dev] Problems configuring MOAB with VTK

Roman Putanowicz putanowr at l5.pk.edu.pl
Wed Feb 6 07:58:04 CST 2013

> Hi,
> This isn't a problem that MOAB is looking for a ParaView library. It has to
> do with MOAB is looking for VTK 6.0.
OK I see. Thank you for a quick answer.

> So to have MOAB configure against VTK 5.10 and lower I would replace
> vtkCommonCore with vtkCommon. 
Well, I have tried this already but then I have problems with AC_HAVE_LIB
macro which apparently looks for function "main" in the library and the 
check fails.

It looks like I will compile VTK 6.0 (it can look silly but will be 
the fastest way).

 Just as a side note -- how you guys deal with tools
dependencies -- they just eat my time, especially when I switch to 
a compiler different than gcc or go outside standard packages.
With the above I mean rather large development environment, where 
tools are not just installed but managed -- tested (and test results 
recorded), build with release and debug version, benchmarked, etc.
Is it only my impression that keeping tidy and reliable development 
environment is a Sisyphus work.



Roman Putanowicz, PhD  < putanowr at l5.pk.edu.pl  >
Institute for Computational Civil Engng (L-5)
Dept. of Civil Engng, Cracow Univ. of Technology
www.l5.pk.edu.pl, tel. +48 12 628 2569, fax 2034

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