[Swift-user] Which OSG directories to use?

Mats Rynge rynge at renci.org
Mon Jun 29 11:41:49 CDT 2009

Michael Wilde wrote:
>> But when you look at the sites.xml file, it has:
>> /export/osg/data/engage/tmp/Clemson-ciTeam
>> as the working directory.
> I suspect that's either the "$DATA" or "$TMP" directory for that site.

Yes, that is $OSG_DATA/$VO_NAME/tmp/

$OSG_DATA is a shared directory across the resource and is the correct 
place to put temporary data during a run. Make sure you clean up when 
you are done.

Make sure use --vo=[VO] for the VO you are a member of.

Do not use $HOME for anything on OSG.

Mats Rynge
Renaissance Computing Institute <http://www.renci.org>

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