[Swift-user] tcp.port.range in Swift 0.6

Andriy Fedorov fedorov at cs.wm.edu
Thu Aug 28 11:10:39 CDT 2008

On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Ben Clifford <benc at hawaga.org.uk> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2008, Andriy Fedorov wrote:
>> It appears to me that Swift 0.6 does not handle properly custom
> I just tried 0.6 and a head build from about 24h ago on my laptop, and
> both appear to respect GLOBUS_TCP_PORT_RANGE for the purposes of gram4
> notification sinks

Ok, I don't understand what's going on. I am sure it worked with 0.5
yesterday, but it doesn't anymore.

This happens only for UC TG site though. I checked again netstat, and
I do have port 50000 listening. I am also able to telnet to this port
from UC, firewall is ok. The job is submitted and executed, but
apparently notification doesn't reach my server.

The relevant part of my sites.xml has not changed since the last time
I had it working:

<pool handle="UC-GT4">
  <gridftp url="gsiftp://tg-gridftp.uc.teragrid.org" />
  <execution provider="gt4" jobmanager="PBS"

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