[Swift-devel] Returning float from java( ) no longer works

Michael Wilde wilde at anl.gov
Sun Apr 6 18:20:09 CDT 2014

I'm dusting off some old Swift code and running into errors which seem 
to stem from changes in type checking and/or casting.

This used to work in a prior release (will need to track down which):

(float result) pow (float x, float y)
    result = java("java.lang.Math", "pow", x, y);

In trunk, it now gives:

Swift trunk swift-r7759 cog-r3890
RunID: run007
Could not start execution:
     Compile error in procedure invocation at line 50:
     You cannot assign value of type any to a variable of type float

(50 is line before result=...)

Any thoughts on why?

A similar error occurs on string results.

I'll file a ticket.


- Mike

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