[Swift-devel] sourceforge SVN changes

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jul 8 15:08:56 CDT 2013

Mihael pointed out that:

> Sourceforge has migrated the svn repos. If you have an existing
> checkout
> you should:
> 1. make sure you have your public key in your account:
> https://sourceforge.net/account/ssh
> 2. do a 'svn relocate "svn
> +ssh://<username>@svn.code.sf.net/p/cogkit/svn/"'
> Also, we should update our checkout instructions.

The old checkout line for CoG on the swift-lang download pages is:

  $ svn co https://cogkit.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cogkit/branches/4.1.10/src/cog

This still works for checkout, but gives you a link you cant commit to.

Is the right checkout documented somewhere for developers? I.e.:

  $ svn co svn+ssh://YourSourceForgeUserName@svn.code.sf.net/p/cogkit/svn/branches/4.1.10/src/cog

Can users do an svn+ssh:// checkout using some public, anonymous login name, which we could specify instead of https:// on the download page? (as it seems faster) This is a minor issue and not worth any follow-up unless there is an obvious solution.

- Mike

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