[Swift-devel] SGE's qstat output parsing failure

Luiz Gadelha lgadelha at lncc.br
Wed Nov 23 12:46:25 CST 2011

I attached the qstat output as a text file, it's easier too see its format there than in the previous message body.

On Nov 23, 2011, at 4:27 PM, Luiz Gadelha wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a small bug in the parsing of SGE's qstat output lines. For the following qstat output:
> job-ID  prior   name       user         state submit/start at     queue                          slots ja-task-ID 
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 543309 0.50500 null       lgadelha     r     11/22/2011 14:40:38 linux.q at cmm11bl5.hpc.lncc.br       1        
> 543310 0.50500 null       lgadelha     r     11/22/2011 14:40:38 linux.q at cmm11bl5.hpc.lncc.br       1        
> ...
> QueuePoller incorrectly assumes that the job identifier is in the same position as "job-ID" in the header, which is not the case above, where it finds a space character and returns an empty string as the job identifier, Swift fails with a "Failed to parse qstat line" message. The attached log file is from a simple test script run that presents this problem.
> The attached patch fixed the problem in my environment.
> Regards,
> Luiz
> --
> Luiz Gadelha
> http://www.lncc.br/~lgadelha
> <openssl-20111122-1725-07cmqx2a.log.gz>
> <sge_fix.diff>
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Luiz Gadelha

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