[Swift-devel] new commits

Mihael Hategan hategan at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Oct 5 12:58:33 CDT 2010

I think I committed some changes based on your patch. One problem was
that gram2 doesn't seem to support a job name. Did you find a way around

On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 12:26 -0500, Sarah Kenny wrote:
> hi all, i have a fix to swift that allows the jobName parameter to be
> passed to GRAM (so the job name actually shows up in the queue). this
> will be my first commit to the cog/swift source so i want to know
> where the best place is to do this? i'd like it to be in the stable
> release so that it's there when we update. my user group (HNL) has
> been using the stable branch with this fix added for several months so
> it's pretty well-tested. 
> i guess the question is would it be best to commit this to the
> development code (which as i understand is cogkit/trunk/current) to be
> migrated to the stable code (cogkit/branches/4.1.7) in the near future
> when we decide to update the stable branch?
> also, i'm guessing i'll need to get access (from mihael or mike
> wilde?) to the cog source...

I can do that. Do you have a sourceforge account?

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