[Swift-devel] block allocation

Zhao Zhang zhaozhang at uchicago.edu
Wed May 27 17:33:45 CDT 2009

Mihael Hategan wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-05-27 at 16:49 -0500, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>> Mihael Hategan wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2009-05-27 at 16:31 -0500, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>>>> Hi, Mihael
>>>> I did a clean run of 100 scip jobs on ranger. (scip is a new application 
>>>> from MCS).
>>> And?
>> I need your help to make sure coaster is working as expected.
> Did the workflow finish successfully? I'll assume "yes", since you
> didn't mention any errors, but it would be useful to state such things
> from the start.
Yes, it was successful.
> As far as it working as expected, I have more confidence in the workings
> of the algorithm itself than in the ancillary stuff. In other words, if
> you don't see errors/restarted jobs or stack traces in the logs, it's
> likely that things are fine.
>>>> The log is at /home/zzhang/scip/ranger-logs/coasters.log
>>> [hategan at communicado ~]$ less /home/zzhang/scip/ranger-logs/coasters.log
>>> /home/zzhang/scip/ranger-logs/coasters.log: Permission denied
>> try now.
> [hategan at communicado ~]$ date
> Wed May 27 17:26:51 CDT 2009
> [hategan at communicado ~]$ less /home/zzhang/scip/ranger-logs/coasters.log
> /home/zzhang/scip/ranger-logs/coasters.log: Permission denied
sorry, try again.


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