[Swift-devel] feature request

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Apr 29 10:52:49 CDT 2009

The message:

Could not find any valid host for task "Task(type=UNKNOWN, 
identity=urn:cog-1241018496704)" with constraints 
{filenames=[Ljava.lang.String;@7f38f3d1, trfqn=cat, 
filecache=org.griphyn.vdl.karajan.lib.cache.CacheMapAdapter at 740f5f97, 

means there was no tc.data entry for cat on any site.

So I suspect this is due to your pool handles not natching your tc.data 
site names.

On 4/29/09 10:35 AM, Zhao Zhang wrote:
> Hi, again.
> Now I have two sites.xml for renci-engagement. The first one is working, 
> while the second is not. The second sites.xml is generated by the script.
> Since the only difference between the first and the second is the 
> <workdirectory> value, I am assuming the error is caused by the 
> <workdirectory>.
> If this is true, how could I find all valid <workdirectory> for all 
> sites on OSG?
> zhao
> First:
> <config>
>   <pool handle="renci-engage">
>      <gridftp  url="gsiftp://belhaven-1.renci.org/" />
>      <execution provider="condor" />
>      <workdirectory >/nfs/home/osgedu/benc</workdirectory>
>      <profile namespace="globus" key="jobType">grid</profile>
>      <profile namespace="globus" key="gridResource">gt2 
> belhaven-1.renci.org/jobmanager-fork</profile>
>   </pool>
> </config>
> Second:
> <config>
>  <!-- RENCI-Engagement -->
>  <pool handle="RENCI-Engagement" >
>    <gridftp  url="gsiftp://belhaven-1.renci.org/" />
>    <execution  provider="condor" />
>    <workdirectory 
>  >/nfs/osg-data/engage/tmp/RENCI-Engagement</workdirectory>
>    <profile namespace="globus" key="jobType">grid</profile>
>    <profile namespace="globus" key="gridResource">gt2 
> belhaven-1.renci.org/jobmanager-fork</profile>
>  </pool>
> </config>
> The error message is:
> [zzhang at tp-grid1 sites]$ ./run-site condor-g/RENCI-Engagement.xml
> testing site configuration: condor-g/RENCI-Engagement.xml
> Removing files from previous runs
> Running test 061-cattwo at Wed Apr 29 10:21:31 CDT 2009
> Swift 0.9rc2 swift-r2860 cog-r2388
> RunID: 20090429-1021-8ayf7v75
> Progress:
> Execution failed:
>        Could not find any valid host for task "Task(type=UNKNOWN, 
> identity=urn:cog-1241018496704)" with constraints 
> {filenames=[Ljava.lang.String;@7f38f3d1, trfqn=cat, 
> filecache=org.griphyn.vdl.karajan.lib.cache.CacheMapAdapter at 740f5f97, 
> tr=cat}
> SWIFT RETURN CODE NON-ZERO - test 061-cattwo
> Ben Clifford wrote:
>> On Wed, 29 Apr 2009, Zhao Zhang wrote:
>>> I modified the existing swift-osg-ress-site-catalog, and generate a 
>>> sample
>>> sites.xml at CI network
>>> /home/zzhang/swift_coaster/cog/modules/swift/tests/sites/condor-g/sample-sites.xml 
>>> Could you help me check if there is any known error in there? thanks.
>> I looked briefly and it seems ok

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