[Swift-devel] Re: swift-falkon problem

Ben Clifford benc at hawaga.org.uk
Mon Mar 24 04:46:20 CDT 2008

you can get plots for your 1000 job run here:


you're hitting the file transfer and file operation limits (that are 20 in 
your config) once jobs start staging out.

There's a wierd looking plateu in graph 'number of execute2 tasks at 
once:' around 170s .. 200s where no jobs complete for some time.

Getting the falkon logs and/or the wrapper (.d) logs would be interesting 

these were generated on my laptop with:

make \
 LOG=/Users/benc/work/everylog/amps1-20080323-1935-su38n0k5.log clean \
 webpage.weights webpage.kara webpage

using the SVN log-procesisng code.

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