[Swift-devel] Clustering and Temp Dirs with Swift

Michael Wilde wilde at mcs.anl.gov
Sun Oct 28 18:12:53 CDT 2007

OK. You two should decide.

I observe that if we use the current strategy to pick a unique wfid, 
then we dont need a global lock, just a strategy that works within a 
workflow and its top-level client and server-side directories.

Much more important is that we solve the scalability problems, starting 
as far as I can tell with the big-dir problems.

Any way you solve it that gets things running fastest soonest, is fine 
by me.

Solve away.

- Mike

On 10/28/07 5:57 PM, Ben Clifford wrote:
> any sequential numbering relies on having a global lock on a sequence 
> counter.
> if we're expecting workflow log names to be unique amongst all workflow 
> runs ever (which I believe to be desirable) then there needs to be a 
> global shared counter variable between all instances of swift running 
> anywhere. that's lame.
> having a large value space and picking numbers in there very sparsely (eg 
> timestamp + some random ID) is very scalable in this situation.

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