sieve-dev Boundary condition on opt-sieve

Shi Jin jinzishuai at
Tue Jul 22 18:13:25 CDT 2008

HI there,

I am having trouble specifying a non-zero boundary condition on the new
opt-sieve.  The same code worked for the previous version. I think the
problem might be at the
setupField() function. Do you have any idea?

Also, I tried to copy and modify the setupField() function at user space so
that I am able to specify function values at the edges which does not have
the straight line midpoint coordinates, which I was able to do with the old
code. However, with the new code, the _maxDof variable is directly modified
in the petsc-dev source but I cannot do it since it is protected. Is there
any function call to set its value? I found the getMaxDof() member function
but not a corresponding set one.

Thank you very much.
Shi Jin, Ph.D.
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