[petsc-users] Graphical User Interfaces for PETSc applications.

Barry Smith bsmith at petsc.dev
Sat Oct 12 12:46:20 CDT 2024


     This is interesting; it seems like it may be useful inside the PETSc library code. Please take a quick look at https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://bitbucket.org/saws/saws/src/master/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!eBNC69y99tie5v_KSbJ3PosiD5GwewD_jS-U2-1sd7l6XOaXwSy97N9job28xHc_2UBnSz-cuOUpWS-u6j58rBo$  it has some overlap with your work. PETSc talks to it through an API embedded in the PETSc source, perhaps some of that same infrastructure could be leveraged to work with VnV.


> On Oct 11, 2024, at 10:13 AM, Ben O'Neill <boneill at rnet-tech.com> wrote:
> PETSc users, 
> I have been developing an open-source framework called the VnV Toolkit that helps developers build graphical user interfaces around scientific applications. Like most documentation generators, the toolkit uses comments/markup defined in your codebase to generate customized graphical interfaces for scientific applications. 
> I just wanted to reach out and see if there are any PETSc users who might be interested in trying out the framework in their applications, and/or providing feedback. I have already created a few petsc based POC interfaces, and am ready to start trying things out in some real applications. If you are interested, and would like more info, please feel free to let me know. More information about the toolkit can be found at the github page <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://github.com/vnvlabs/vnvlabs__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fpoSVQIpKI1Dmj3Jozbu7Ll8TJbnFyEulp1gV-lQaeeAIvxL3PyaXqhs3fljj67Klc-g8pJu1HViAhBMfdyP01xk$> and on our demo site <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://vnvlabs.com?code=PETSC__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fpoSVQIpKI1Dmj3Jozbu7Ll8TJbnFyEulp1gV-lQaeeAIvxL3PyaXqhs3fljj67Klc-g8pJu1HViAhBMfRc9u4tE$> 
> Thank you,
> Ben O'Neill

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