[petsc-users] [petsc-maint] Correct use of PCFactorSetMatOrderingType
Mark Adams
mfadams at lbl.gov
Wed Nov 7 10:59:23 CST 2018
please respond to petsc-users.
You are doing 5 solves here in 14 seconds. You seem to be saying that the
two pressure solves are taking all of this time. I don't know why the two
solves are different.
You seem to be saying that OpenFOAM solves the problem in 10 seconds and
PETSc solves it in 14 seconds. Is that correct? Hypre seems to be running
On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 11:24 AM Edoardo alinovi <edoardo.alinovi at gmail.com>
> Thanks a lot Mark for your kind replay. The solver is mine and I use
> PETSc for the solution of momentum and pressure. The first is solved very
> fast by a standard bcgs + bjacobi, but the pressure is the source of all
> evils and, unfortunately, I am pretty sure that almost all the time within
> the time-step is needed by KSP to solve the pressure (see log attached). I
> have verified this also putting a couple of mpi_wtime around the kspsolve
> call. The pressure is solved 2 times (1 prediction + 1 correction), the
> prediction takes around 11s , the correction around 4s (here I am avoiding
> to recompute the preconditioner), all the rest of the code (flux assembling
> + mometum solution + others) around 1s. Openfoam does the same procedure
> with the same tolerance in 10s using its gamg version (50 it to converge).
> The number of iteration required to solve the pressure with hypre are 12.
> Gamg performs similarly to hypre in terms of speed, but with 50 iterations
> to converge. Am I missing something in the setup in your opinion?
> thanks a lot,
> Edo
> ------
> Edoardo Alinovi, Ph.D.
> DICCA, Scuola Politecnica
> Universita' di Genova
> 1, via Montallegro
> 16145 Genova, Italy
> email: edoardo.alinovi at dicca.unige.it
> Tel: +39 010 353 2540
> Il giorno mer 7 nov 2018 alle ore 16:50 Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> ha
> scritto:
>> You can try -pc_type gamg, but hypre is a pretty good solver for the
>> Laplacian. If hypre is just a little faster than LU on a 3D problem (that
>> takes 10 seconds to solve) then AMG is not doing well. I would expect that
>> AMG is taking a lot of iterations (eg, >> 10). You can check that with
>> -ksp_monitor.
>> The PISO algorithm is a multistage algorithm with a pressure correction
>> in it. It also has a solve for the velocity, from what I can tell. Are you
>> building PISO yourself and using PETSc just for the pressure correction?
>> Are you sure the time is spent in this solver? You can use -log_view to see
>> performance numbers and look for KSPSolve to see how much time is spent in
>> the PETSc solver.
>> Mark
>> On Wed, Nov 7, 2018 at 10:26 AM Zhang, Hong via petsc-maint <
>> petsc-maint at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>>> Edoardo:
>>> Forwarding your request to petsc-maint where you can get fast and expert
>>> advise. I do not have suggestion for your application, but someone in our
>>> team likely will make suggestion.
>>> Hong
>>> Hello Hong,
>>>> Well, using -sub_pc_type lu it super slow. I am desperately triying
>>>> to enhance performaces of my code (CFD, finite volume, PISO alghoritm), in
>>>> particular I have a strong bottleneck in the solution of pressure
>>>> correction equation which takes almost the 90% of computational time. Using
>>>> multigrid as preconditoner (hypre with default options) is slighlty
>>>> better, but comparing the results against the multigrid used in openFOAM,
>>>> my code is losing 10s/iteration which a huge amount of time. Now, since
>>>> that all the time is employed by KSPSolve, I feel a bit powerless. Do you
>>>> have any helpful advice?
>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>> ------
>>>> Edoardo Alinovi, Ph.D.
>>>> DICCA, Scuola Politecnica
>>>> Universita' di Genova
>>>> 1, via Montallegro
>>>> 16145 Genova, Italy
>>>> email: edoardo.alinovi at dicca.unige.it
>>>> Tel: +39 010 353 2540
>>>> Il giorno mar 6 nov 2018 alle ore 17:15 Zhang, Hong <hzhang at mcs.anl.gov>
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>>> Edoardo:
>>>>> Interesting. I thought it would not affect performance much. What
>>>>> happens if you use -sub_pc_type lu'?
>>>>> Hong
>>>>> Dear Hong and Matt,
>>>>>> thank you for your kind replay. I have just tested your suggestions
>>>>>> and applied " -sub_pc_type ilu -sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type nd/rcm"
>>>>>> and, in both cases, I have found a deterioration of performances
>>>>>> with respect to doing nothing (thus just putting default PCBJACOBI). Is it
>>>>>> normal? However, I guess this is very problem dependent.
>>>>>> ------
>>>>>> Edoardo Alinovi, Ph.D.
>>>>>> DICCA, Scuola Politecnica
>>>>>> Universita' di Genova
>>>>>> 1, via Montallegro
>>>>>> 16145 Genova, Italy
>>>>>> email: edoardo.alinovi at dicca.unige.it
>>>>>> Tel: +39 010 353 2540
>>>>>> Il giorno mar 6 nov 2018 alle ore 16:04 Zhang, Hong <
>>>>>> hzhang at mcs.anl.gov> ha scritto:
>>>>>>> Edoardo:
>>>>>>> You can test runtime option '-sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type' and
>>>>>>> use '-log_view' to get performance on different orderings,
>>>>>>> e.g.,petsc/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex2.c:
>>>>>>> mpiexec -n 2 ./ex2 -ksp_view -sub_pc_type ilu
>>>>>>> -sub_pc_factor_mat_ordering_type nd
>>>>>>> I do not think the ordering inside block for ilu would affect
>>>>>>> performance much. Let us know what you will get.
>>>>>>> Hong
>>>>>>> Dear users,
>>>>>>>> I have a question about the correct use of the option
>>>>>>>> "PCFactorSetMatOrderingType" in PETSc.
>>>>>>>> I am solving a problem with 2.5M of unknowns distributed along 16
>>>>>>>> processors and I am using the block jacobi preconditioner and MPIAIJ
>>>>>>>> matrix format. I cannot figure out if the above option can be useful or not
>>>>>>>> in decreasing the computational time. Any suggestion or tips?
>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for the kind help
>>>>>>>> ------
>>>>>>>> Edoardo Alinovi, Ph.D.
>>>>>>>> DICCA, Scuola Politecnica
>>>>>>>> Universita' di Genova
>>>>>>>> 1, via Montallegro
>>>>>>>> 16145 Genova, Italy
>>>>>>>> email: edoardo.alinovi at dicca.unige.it
>>>>>>>> Tel: +39 010 353 2540
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