[petsc-users] reg: Eigenvectors of general complex eigen value problem

Jose E. Roman jroman at dsic.upv.es
Mon Mar 24 04:51:52 CDT 2014

El 24/03/2014, a las 10:28, venkatesh g escribió:

> Ok. I am doing the following
> 1. Running "./ex7 -f1 A2 -f2 B2 -st_type sinvert -evecs VC"
> 2. In MATLAB I do "vc=PetscBinaryRead('VC');" 
> The output is one Eigenvector in VC which is 800x1.
> And I did the normalization vc=vc/max(vc) and compared with the normalized original vector.. Also I must tell that if A2 and B2 are real, it works.
> I also changed the line 179 of ex7.c like u said. 
> Pls let me know.

You should do


If you want to load several eigenvectors, then


where nconv is the number of converged eigenpairs reported by SLEPc. In that case, the result is a cell array so vc{1} is the first eigenvector, vc{2} the second one, and so on.


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