[petsc-users] vtk output ASCII or binary

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Mar 5 13:21:54 CST 2014

Xiangdong <epscodes at gmail.com> writes:

> I got the following error messages on each processor when use mpiio:
> [5]PETSC ERROR: DMDAArrayMPIIO() line 532 in
> MyLocal/petsc/petsc-3.4.3/src/dm/impls/da/gr2.c

Looks like this line is failing.  Please either use a debugger or create
a representative test case so we can debug.

  ierr       = MPI_Type_create_subarray(dd->dim+1,gsizes,lsizes,lstarts,MPI_ORDER_FORTRAN,MPIU_SCALAR,&view);CHKERRQ(ierr);

Does this work?

petsc/src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials$ mpiexec -n 4 ./ex45 -da_refine 3 -ksp_monitor -pc_type mg -ksp_view_solution binary:foo -viewer_binary_mpiio

> [5]PETSC ERROR: VecView_MPI_DA() line 605 in
> MyLocal/petsc/petsc-3.4.3/src/dm/impls/da/gr2.c
> [5]PETSC ERROR: VecView() line 717 in
> MyLocal/petsc/petsc-3.4.3/src/vec/vec/interface/vector.c
> The program does not crash, but skip writing the binary output.

That's because you weren't checking error codes.
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