[petsc-users] MatMatSolve in sequential call

Hong Zhang hzhang at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Aug 21 11:31:45 CDT 2012


> Sorry, but I forgot to mention that this is double complex symmetric
> matrix. Did you load and treat it like that?
I'm not aware it, thus I used real precision :-(

>  I'm convinced that matrix A is corrupted or obtained from an incorrect
> numerical model.
> Also note, your matrix A has size of approx. 60k, which is too large for
> sequential direct solver.
> MUMPS takes only several minutes and 6 GB of memory to factorize it.
> This factorization gives residual on the order of 10e-12 and solution is
> indeed correct.
> Nevertheless, you're right, there is numerical null-space in this matrix
> since it comes
> from the discretization of equation that contains curl curl operator, but
> practically this
> case is not really the worst one.
>  The error on MatMatSolve() when calling
> ' -pc_type cholesky -pc_factor_mat_solver_package mumps'
> is a bug in our petsc-mumps interface. I've pushed a fix to petsc-3.3
> http://petsc.cs.iit.edu/petsc/releases/petsc-3.3/rev/8badc49a596e
>  Thanks for your report.
> Thank you for the patch.
> --
> Regards,
> Alexander
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