Intel Dual core machines

Randall Mackie randy at
Thu Aug 24 11:52:21 CDT 2006


No, you do not need Rocks (and in fact it is a Linux-based system).
You mentioned the need to install MPI (which you do need for
PETSc), and I was just pointing out that there are clustering
software solutions that make a lot of getting the clusters set
up much simpler than doing it all yourself.

Rocks installs various flavors of MPICH, or MPI, or LAM....


Julian wrote:
> Thanks for the reply.
> Do I really need to use ROCKS if I'm just gonna use a single dual core
> machine ? Is that considered a cluster ?
> Also, what MPI software does ROCKS install ? I saw some mention of openMPI
> 1.1 
> Julian.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: owner-petsc-users at 
>> [mailto:owner-petsc-users at] On Behalf Of Randall Mackie
>> Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:42 AM
>> To: petsc-users at
>> Subject: Re: Intel Dual core machines
>> Hi Julian,
>> No problem running on dual cpu machines. You just need to 
>> have MPI set up correctly.
>> On our cluster, we use ROCKS, which does everything more or 
>> less automagically.
>> Randy
>> Julian wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> So far, I have been using PETSc on a single processor 
>> windows machine. 
>>> Now, I am planning on using it on a Intel Dual core 
>> machine. Before I 
>>> start running the installation scripts, I wanted to confirm 
>> if I can 
>>> use both the processors on this new machine just like how you would 
>>> use multiple processors on a supercomputer.
>>> If yes, is there anything special that I need to do when 
>> installing PETSc? 
>>> I'm guessing I would have to install some MPI software... 
>> Which one do 
>>> you recommend for windows machines (I saw more than one windows MPI 
>>> software on the PETSc website) ?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Julian.
>> --
>> Randall Mackie
>> GSY-USA, Inc.
>> PMB# 643
>> 2261 Market St.,
>> San Francisco, CA 94114-1600
>> Tel (415) 469-8649
>> Fax (415) 469-5044
>> California Registered Geophysicist
>> License No. GP 1034

Randall Mackie
PMB# 643
2261 Market St.,
San Francisco, CA 94114-1600
Tel (415) 469-8649
Fax (415) 469-5044

California Registered Geophysicist
License No. GP 1034

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