[petsc-dev] Fw: Foundations Forum

Zhang, Junchao jczhang at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Aug 19 14:54:19 CDT 2024

From: Katz, Daniel S. <dskatz at illinois.edu>
Sent: Monday, August 19, 2024 2:46 PM
Cc: Katz, Daniel S. <dskatz at illinois.edu>
Subject: Foundations Forum

Hi. A member of CORSA has probably previously reached out to you to ask about your project's interest in software foundations and sustainability metrics. If you are not interested in open source software foundations, you can stop reading now,
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A member of CORSA has probably previously reached out to you to ask about your project's interest in software foundations and sustainability metrics.

If you are not interested in open source software foundations, you can stop reading now, and I apologize for bothering you.

At this time, I want to let you know that we are starting a Foundations Forum as part of CASS<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://cass.community__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSbeS84ENiOT4tZ-xXDh9bSWbndr7wIdtyX9Jqp9_11T0gpRFybpinPnwrf4Sb12cHOqscT8jCqHvWW3jLIjEg$>.

We'll have the first of our foundations forum meetings at noon CT on Wednesday Aug 28.  Connect via
https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://illinois.zoom.us/j/84019968610?pwd=yB9nwobAPnv7eAolvIrn2E1BZoMrIH.1__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSHjn0gFNP9hGFf6apc0yv3xnDKiFcVKaUhw3m0bPNVIxzzzmfvP87AXMK-9HMK2l85fZCLPqY5J35zX3wvK9ofI$ <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://illinois.zoom.us/j/84019968610?pwd=yB9nwobAPnv7eAolvIrn2E1BZoMrIH.1__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSbeS84ENiOT4tZ-xXDh9bSWbndr7wIdtyX9Jqp9_11T0gpRFybpinPnwrf4Sb12cHOqscT8jCqHvWWj53m6Ug$>
Meeting ID: 840 1996 8610, Password: 076304
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,84019968610# US (Chicago)

As mentioned previously, we'll generally try to have in these meetings: a) a short talk (e.g., update from a foundation, experience from an SSO with a foundation), b) discussion on a predetermined topic, and c) general announcements and discussion (related to open source foundations)

Anyone can suggest agenda items, or topics, etc. - so please let me know if you have ideas. This first meeting could include brainstorming about future organization, or I could talk about Parsl's desire to and process of joining NumFOCUS.

Meetings will be open to anyone who wants to join - so please feel free to share this

Meetings will be recorded and posted on youtube, with links to them from a part of the CORSA website.

Meetings will be announced via the CORSA email list and the CASS #general and #wg-foundations slack channels

If you are interested in knowing about future meetings, please join the CORSA mailing list (see the bottom of https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://corsa.center/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSHjn0gFNP9hGFf6apc0yv3xnDKiFcVKaUhw3m0bPNVIxzzzmfvP87AXMK-9HMK2l85fZCLPqY5J35zX35FCaoFv$ <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://corsa.center/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSbeS84ENiOT4tZ-xXDh9bSWbndr7wIdtyX9Jqp9_11T0gpRFybpinPnwrf4Sb12cHOqscT8jCqHvWW1cXyJlg$>) and/or join the #wg-foundations channel in the CASS Slack (I can invite you from inside slack if needed)

And finally, if you would like a meeting between CORSA and your project about foundations, we can also schedule one - just let me know.


Daniel S. Katz
Chief Scientist, NCSA
Research Associate Professor, Siebel School of Computing and Data Science
Research Associate Professor, School of Information Sciences (iSchool)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
(217) 244-8000
d.katz at ieee.org<mailto:d.katz at ieee.org> or dskatz at illinois.edu<mailto:dskatz at illinois.edu>
https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://danielskatz.org__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSHjn0gFNP9hGFf6apc0yv3xnDKiFcVKaUhw3m0bPNVIxzzzmfvP87AXMK-9HMK2l85fZCLPqY5J35zX3wGjOdd0$ <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://danielskatz.org__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!fSbeS84ENiOT4tZ-xXDh9bSWbndr7wIdtyX9Jqp9_11T0gpRFybpinPnwrf4Sb12cHOqscT8jCqHvWWswAchsw$>

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