[petsc-dev] -log_view not working when setting using PetscOptionsSetValue( )

Angus, Justin Ray angus1 at llnl.gov
Wed Aug 21 12:14:37 CDT 2024


I’ve been able to successfully use -log_view in a cpp code using PETSc when setting it through a .petscrc file. I get lots of information about the SNES and KS solvers at the end of my simulation as expected.

However, if I instead try to turn on log_view from inside my cpp code, using something like

PetscOptionsSetValue( NULL, "-log_view" , NULL );

Then I get the following message at the end of my simulation

[5]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
[5]PETSC ERROR: Object is in wrong state
[5]PETSC ERROR: A PetscLogHandler of type default has not been started.
[5]PETSC ERROR: See https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://petsc.org/release/faq/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!ZOx9FLrofB1s1oTVLL6psn-36zBbHH9WiAgg1Arjda5O4RvYo1Na8aJgC4P_Ractdr7HCa0C-aPq9oVsiUcnlQ$  for trouble shooting.

What am I doing wrong here?

Thank you.


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