[petsc-dev] PETSc release last chance for code changes

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jun 25 21:23:35 CDT 2014


Thanks for the clarification.


On Wed, 25 Jun 2014, Jed Brown wrote:

> Satish Balay <balay at mcs.anl.gov> writes:
> > Here is the current list.
> >
> > I guess I don't understand candidate-branches well. For ex: why does
> > it not list balay/add-tetgen-cxx-mesg and bermeo/add-mkl-pardiso
> These branches were merged to 'next' multiple times.  The logic in the
> script only goes back to the first merge when trying to find the origin
> branch.  It's basically an ambiguity in the commit DAG in determining
> where a given lineage "started".  Someone wanted this feature to
> distinguish branches that started elsewhere.
> Rather than trying to make the script "smarter", I use something simple and crude.
> $ comm -12 <(git branch -r --merged next | sort) <(git branch -r --no-merged master | sort)
>   origin/balay/add-tetgen-cxx-mesg
>   origin/balay/fix-multiple-zisltogf.c
>   origin/barry/feature-dmmoab-hdf5-tests
>   origin/barry/fix-istogeneral_block
>   origin/bermeo/add-mkl-pardiso
>   origin/irving/snes-ex12-cleanup
>   origin/jed/sr-driver4
>   origin/jed/vecghostgetvalues
>   origin/karlrupp/fix-cuda6-configuration
>   origin/karpeev/fix-ksp-pcgasm
>   origin/knepley/feature-optcontrol-mg
>   origin/knepley/fix-dm-composition
>   origin/knepley/fix-plex-coords-parallel
>   origin/knepley/fix-plex-submesh-intersection
>   origin/madams/sr-driver4
>   origin/maint
>   origin/mlange05/fix-gmsh-coordinates
>   origin/next
>   origin/paulmullowney/aijcusp-ellpack-fix
>   origin/prbrune/sf-examplefix
>   origin/prbrune/snes-ex19vtkoutput
>   origin/shri/ts-dae-semi-explicit
>   origin/shri/ts-is-for-differential-variables
>   origin/shri/ts-powergrid
>   origin/stefano_zampini/matis_getmpixaij
>   origin/stefano_zampini/matschur_transpose

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