Tests failures with OpenMPI 2.1

Bruno Pagani bruno.pagani at astrophysics.eu
Tue Jun 20 14:09:37 CDT 2017

Le 20/06/2017 à 19:32, Wei-keng Liao a écrit :
> Hi, Bruno
> The root cause of the errors encountered on your x86_64 machine
> is also related to an OpenMPI bug recently discovered. Please see
> https://github.com/open-mpi/ompi/issues/3695

Thanks, subscribed. :)

> My suggestion is to wait for OpenMPI developers to fix this
> bug in the their future release. Otherwise, you can use
> OpenMPI 1.10.6, which does not have the bug, or use MPICH.

Well, as a distro packager, this is not really about choice. ;)

But yes, as an HPC scientist, I run with MPICH or vendor implementation
(which most of the time are MPICH-based). ;)

Thanks again for your fast answers,

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