Unable to pass all the tests with pnetcdf 1.6.1, Intel and Mvapich2 2.1

Wei-keng Liao wkliao at eecs.northwestern.edu
Sun Sep 20 11:23:29 CDT 2015

Hi, Craig

Your config.log looks fine to me.
Some of your error messages are supposed to report errors of opening
a non-existing file, but report a different error code, meaning the
file does exist. I suspect it may be because of residue files.

Could you do a clean rebuild with the following commands?
    % make -s distclean
    % ./configure --prefix=/apps/pnetcdf/1.6.1-intel-mvapich2
    % make -s -j8
    % make -s check

If the problem persists, then it might be because mvapich.


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