failure running pnetcdf tests

Robert Latham robl at
Mon Jan 8 22:44:27 CST 2007

On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 at 06:11:27PM +0000, michael bane wrote:
> Folks
> I've just downloaded the pnetCDF tarball and attempted to install on my
> box with mpich2 and Intel compilers. When running
>         ~/src/parallel-netcdf-1.0.1/test/nf_test$ ./nf_test
> I get numerous errors immediately, starting with
>         *** Testing nfmpi_strerror ...
>         *** Testing nfmpi_open ...
>          0: MPI_File_open error = File does not exist, error stack:
>         ADIOI_UFS_OPEN(53): File does not exist
>          nfmpi_open of nonexistent file should    have returned system
>         error
>          0: MPI_File_open error = File does not exist, error stack:
>         ADIOI_UFS_OPEN(53): File does not exist
>          nfmpi_open: Can not open/create file
>          nfmpi_redef of read-only file should fail
>          0: MPI_File_open error = File does not exist, error stack:
>         ADIOI_UFS_OPEN(53): File does not exist
>          nfmpi_open: Can not open/create file
>          nfmpi_close: Not a netCDF id
>            ###            8  FAILURES TESTING nfmpi_open! ###
> I am at a lost as to what this errors mean or if I've misunderstood
> instructions so any tips welcome!

Well, we don't have much in the way of instructions.  There's a 'make
testing' target in the top-level makefile that does this stuff for
you, but what you need to do is first run 'nf_test -c' to create, then run nf_test.  You'll still get the (expected) errors
about not existing.   Same goes for nc_test.

Now, if you are still getting more than the expected number of errors,
let us know and we'll dig deeper.


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Lab, IL USA                 B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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