failure running pnetcdf tests

michael bane michael.bane at
Sat Jan 6 12:11:27 CST 2007


I've just downloaded the pnetCDF tarball and attempted to install on my
box with mpich2 and Intel compilers. When running
        ~/src/parallel-netcdf-1.0.1/test/nf_test$ ./nf_test
I get numerous errors immediately, starting with
        *** Testing nfmpi_strerror ...
        *** Testing nfmpi_open ...
         0: MPI_File_open error = File does not exist, error stack:
        ADIOI_UFS_OPEN(53): File does not exist
         nfmpi_open of nonexistent file should    have returned system
         0: MPI_File_open error = File does not exist, error stack:
        ADIOI_UFS_OPEN(53): File does not exist
         nfmpi_open: Can not open/create file
         nfmpi_redef of read-only file should fail
         0: MPI_File_open error = File does not exist, error stack:
        ADIOI_UFS_OPEN(53): File does not exist
         nfmpi_open: Can not open/create file
         nfmpi_close: Not a netCDF id
           ###            8  FAILURES TESTING nfmpi_open! ###

I am at a lost as to what this errors mean or if I've misunderstood
instructions so any tips welcome!

Thanks, Michael

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