parallel netcdf on BG, colons in filenames?

Rob Ross rross at
Sun Nov 12 07:56:08 CST 2006

This is something that we will probably fix, now that it has been 
pointed out. It may take some time for the fix to percolate into vendor 



Robert Latham wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 11:14:12AM -0700, John Michalakes wrote:
>> The only difference is colons characters in the file name.  Any
>> ideas? (aside from the obvious, don't put colons in file names :-)
> Hi John
> You aren't the first one to run into this one.  This is not *exactly*
> a pnetcdf issue, but rather a way that pnetcd interacts with the
> underlying MPI-IO implementation.  In this particular case, you are
> using a ROMIO-based implementation, which looks for the ':' character.
> If you really need to use the : character in your file name, prefix
> the name with 'ufs:', 'pvfs2:', or 'nfs:', depending on the file
> sytem.
> The README for parallel-netcdf has more information.
> Hope that makese sense.  Let me know if you want even more
> information.
> ==rob

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