pnetcdf 0.8.8 release

rene.redler redler at
Thu Jul 31 02:56:19 CDT 2003


> I've put up version 0.8.8.  Major changes include a big cleanup in the
> test directory and fixes to the makefiles to address issues on the NEC and
> AIX platforms. Hopefully make; make install; make tests will just work
> now.  A configure script is included, so you don't need to run autoconf.

No problems so far with SX anymore :) 

> Rene -- any suggestions on getting the cross-compilation to work on your 
> system?  I've never tried to deal with this before.

If the configure procedure requires to build and run executables for 
consistency checks there is no other way than invoking the configure on 
the target system itself. For building the lib and test programs e.g. on a 
Linux PC by using the SX cross compiler I edited the macros.make (which 
was generated on the SX) and replaced c++ by sxc++, mpic++ by sxmpic++, 
f90 by sxf90, ar by sxar, and set MAKEWHATIS_CMD to an empty string.
I am not sure whether this should be recommended as a general strategy, 
but ...

When applying these changes running  make; make install; make tests on 
the Linux PC worked, and most important the testing of the programs on the 
SX worked as well.



To make the above really working I had to change the in 
directory test/common. I added a line 

AR = @AR@

and replaced "ar cru" by "$(AR) cru"

Perhaps the ar flags should be treated in a similar way (via environment 
variable ARFLAGS). This would require to modify /src/lib/ as 

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