
Robert Latham robl at
Tue Jul 22 23:00:10 CDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 22, 2003 at 01:34:11PM -0700, John Tannahill wrote:
> I am steadily making progress.  I have installed parallel-netcdf on
> an IBM-SP at NERSC (seaborg).  I have put together a C test code and
> gotten it to work.  

fantastic. thanks for the success report!

> I now have created a Fortran90 version of the
> test code, but have not gotten it to link and run yet.  Does the
> default install put together a parallel-netcdf interface for C only?

The default install *should* try to build the fortran interface, but
it is not nearly as well tested as the c interface.

> Do I need to change something and rebuild it to get a Fortran90
> interface?  

i don't know f90 very well... if we have to do anything special for a
f90 interface that we wouldn't have to do for an f77 interface, then
maybe that's the problem?

> Then do I just change the ncmpi_ calls to nfmpi_, and add
> an ierror argument at the end?  

that's how it works in theory :>

> Anywhere I could have looked to get answers to these questions
> myself?

nope :> you and troy baer are the only end users who have tried out
our fortran interface.   I'll see what i can find out tomorrow, and
i'll be sure to let you know.

Thanks for exercising the fortran side of things for us.  Sorry you
are running into so much difficulty, but we'll try to get you
straight as soon as we can.


Rob Latham
Mathematics and Computer Science Division    A215 0178 EA2D B059 8CDF
Argonne National Labs, IL USA                B29D F333 664A 4280 315B

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