[mpich2-dev] problem with running mpirun

chan at mcs.anl.gov chan at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jan 19 16:01:47 CST 2010

MPICH-1.2.5 and MPICH2 are 2 different MPI implementations,
so whatever in MPICH-1.2.5 isn't guaranteed to be in MPICH2.
Based on the section of the code that you want to delete in MPICH-1,
I assume you want to profile the use of MPI calls within MPI collectives.
AFAIK, MPICH2 is very careful not to make any MPI calls in its implementation.
The closest to that is to use RLOG in MPICH2, but RLOG will produce logfile
which is too detailed for typical MPI users (RLOG is meant for MPI developers).

Your p4 error message is probably caused by your mixing of MPICH-1
and MPICH2 in either compiling or running your application.
In order to use MPICH2, you need to recompile your CG benchmark with
MPICH2's mpif77/mpif90 as what I said in my reply to your MPE+NPB+OpenMPI
question. After recompilation, you can use MPICH2's mpiexec to launch
your benchmark.

You may want to take a look at MPICH2's user and install guides
to check out the difference in running MPICH2 vs MPICH-1 applications.

BTW, you should post your questions on mpich-discuss at mcs.anl.gov instead.
mpich2-dev is for MPICH2 development related issues.


----- "Pawan Acharya" <pawn.07 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to get used to MPICH, so first I installed MPICH version 2
> was
> was compile and run CG benchmark included in NAS Parallel Benchmark
> using
> mpiexec -n 16 <name.16.W> enabling trace-enabled compilation. I
> assuming
> this invoked 16 process in the the single node, hope I am not totally
> wrong
> here with the idea.
> Now I have to get the user defined log-file which has already done by
> some
> other people using MPICH (version MPI, where they modified
> the file
> "src/coll/intra_fns_new.c" deleting lines:
> /* Include mapping from MPI->PMPI */
> #include "mpiprof.h"
> /* Insert the prototypes for the PMPI routines */
> #undef __MPI_BINDINGS
> #include "binding.h"
> #endif
> which I didn't find in the MPICH Version 2.....
> So I installed the required version, but now I can't run mpirun. I
> get
> errors like:p0_1303:  p4_error: Child process exited while making
> connection
> to remote process.
> My question is whats the difference, why it worked with mpiexec and
> not with
> mpirun.
> -- 
> ..................
> Best Regards,
> Pawan Acharya

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