[mpich2-dev] configuration problem

Pavan Balaji balaji at mcs.anl.gov
Sat Apr 17 11:09:48 CDT 2010

On 04/17/2010 11:05 AM, lagoun brahim wrote:
> when I have run mpiexec with the -all-print-exitcode option I had the 
> following message but I could not interpret it:
> mpiexec -print-all-exitcodes -f host -np 3 abinit<tnlo.files
> [mpiexec at br] Exit codes: [0]1,[1]0[2]1
> Terminated (signal 15)

Your application's process ranks 0 and 2 exited with an exit code 1. You 
might want to look at what's happening with those processes.

> Another remark when I run mpiexec with a file  machine with the IP 
> addresses of both PCs it works but it takes more time than a single machine

mpiexec does an ssh to each node to launch the proxy processes (which in 
turn launch the MPI processes). Typically, for small number of nodes, 
you shouldn't notice a difference unless your machine's ssh is very slow.

  -- Pavan

Pavan Balaji

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