[mpich2-dev] MPICH2 Pre-compiled Library Distribution

Susheel Varma susheel.varma at sheffield.ac.uk
Wed Nov 12 04:21:31 CST 2008


We are developing an open source scientific application that needs to
build with your MPICH2 libraries. We are thinking of creating an
Installer/Uninstaller with your libraries packaged within the
Installer. The reason we need to do this is due to the nature of the
application; The application generates C code based on a user
specification and the generated code is then compiled into an
executable using the MPICH2 libraries. Although the code generator
does not use the MPICH2 library the generated code does. Please let us
know the proper producedure of distributing your library along with
our application so that naive users would at least be able to generate
code/run application out-of-the-box. Our user-base are mostly
biologists and intelligent non-experts, hence distributing the
pre-compiled libraries along the with the correct copyright license
seems to be the ideal thing to do. Please let us know how to proceed.

For more information regarding our application. Please visit


Susheel Varma
Computational Systems Biology     | Tel  : +44 (0) 114 22 25931
Department of Computer Science    | Fax  : +44 (0) 114 22 21810
The Kroto Research Institute      | Web  : www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/~susheel
University of Sheffield           | Email: susheel.varma at sheffield.ac.uk
Broad Lane, Sheffield, S3 7HQ, UK | Email: susheel at dcs.shef.ac.uk

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