[MPICH2-dev] implementing MPID_Wtick()

William Gropp gropp at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Oct 12 13:12:33 CDT 2007

I don't have an example handy, though the intent was that a simple  
definition of the MPID_Wtime functions should suffice (this would go  
into mpidpre.h (or mpidpost.h if necessary).  If that doesn't work,  
then we need to fix something.


On Oct 11, 2007, at 2:50 PM, David Gingold wrote:

> On Oct 11, 2007, at 3:36 PM, William Gropp wrote:
>> You should be able to just define the MPID_Wtime functions  
>> (MPID_Wtime, MPID_Wtime_diff, MPID_Wtime_todouble, MPID_Wtime_acc,  
>> and MPID_Wtick.  However, it looks like we may need to change the  
>> top level configure to allow you to specify "device provides  
>> timer".  Would that be ok?
> That sounds like the right idea.  What I'd like specifically is to  
> have the device provide its own version of what is in  
> mpichtimer.h.  That way I can inline some of the operations as  
> appropriate, particularly when our kernel implements some timer  
> mechanisms that are better than gettimeofday().
> If you want to provide an example of how this should be structured  
> in the headers, etc., I'll follow that.  Otherwise I can try to  
> come up with something myself.
> -dg

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