[MPICH2-dev] implementing MPID_Wtick()

David Gingold david.gingold at sicortex.com
Thu Oct 11 14:50:39 CDT 2007

On Oct 11, 2007, at 3:36 PM, William Gropp wrote:

> You should be able to just define the MPID_Wtime functions  
> (MPID_Wtime, MPID_Wtime_diff, MPID_Wtime_todouble, MPID_Wtime_acc,  
> and MPID_Wtick.  However, it looks like we may need to change the  
> top level configure to allow you to specify "device provides  
> timer".  Would that be ok?

That sounds like the right idea.  What I'd like specifically is to  
have the device provide its own version of what is in mpichtimer.h.   
That way I can inline some of the operations as appropriate,  
particularly when our kernel implements some timer mechanisms that  
are better than gettimeofday().

If you want to provide an example of how this should be structured in  
the headers, etc., I'll follow that.  Otherwise I can try to come up  
with something myself.


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