[mpich-discuss] unable to build mpich2 with romio

Ryan Kroiss rrkroiss at lanl.gov
Fri Jan 22 14:58:31 CST 2010

I'm having trouble building mpich2 with ROMIO enabled.  I need this so 
that I can work with IOFSL.  I've followed the instructions found at 
<https://trac.mcs.anl.gov/projects/iofsl/wiki/Building>.  I'm running 
automake version 1.11.1, autoconf version 2.63, and libtool version 
2.2.6b.  I believe that I was able to run ./maint/updatefiles 
successfully (at least it completed without complaining).  After running 
this, I'm trying to run the following command:  ./configure 
--enable-romio --with-file-system=ufs+zoidfs.  I get the following error 

/home/rrkroiss/libs/mpich2/src/mpl/configure: line 11066: syntax error 
near unexpected token `include/mplconfig.h,MPL'
/home/rrkroiss/libs/mpich2/src/mpl/configure: line 11066: 
configure: error: MPL configure failed

Any help would be appreciated!


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