[mpich-discuss] Questions about Installation

Roberto Neves Gonzaga rnginfo at ig.com.br
Wed Dec 29 14:23:55 CST 2010

Dear Sir,

First I wish everyone a prosperous new year. I am setting up a Beowulf
cluster in virtual machine (VirtualBox) and I am using Fedora 13, as part of
a final project for my university end course, using the passing libraries
PVM and MPICH2 (version MPICH2-1.3.1). I have followed all the steps in your
Installer's Guide, and almost everything seems to be working. I could run
the example but just at the most master machine (front-end).

I have some questions and would like if possible that you give me some

My final installation folder is: home/cluster/mpich2-install

The line:  /home/cluster/mpich2-install

At the line c, what should I have to do: execute the line or I have to
increase the line in the file /.bash_profile or other file?

In the exemple mpiexec -f machinefile -n <number> ./examples/cpi I did not
understand what means machinefile I have to create some file informing the

What is the correct procedure for that the MPI works on all machines in the
In certain situations, using the command *mpirun* I get the answer down. What
does it mean? What should I do about it?

[proxy:0:0 at mestre]
execvp error on file cpi (No such file or directory)

Best regards

Roberto Neves Gonzaga, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
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