[mpich-discuss] questions from loki about mpich2

Anthony Chan chan at mcs.anl.gov
Fri Nov 13 10:22:39 CST 2009

Forwarding this to mpich-discuss as it is a usage question
and someone else on the list know more than me on the issue.


----- "yaohui" <loki2441 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello!
>          I am doing some researches on adding HT(HyperTransport) into
> mpich2,I am just wandering when we configure the mpich2 with 
> ./configure -with-device=ch3:sock (ch3:nemesis)
> that means we definitely select one network as the channel to
> communicate,
> but if there are any possibilities that you can dynamic 
> control the network we use ,sometimes messages go through Ethernet,
> sometimes go through IB. 
> Thank you!
> Best Wishes!
> Yaohui hu!

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