[mpich-discuss] Problem with mpich2

Suman Vajjala suman.geek at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 05:31:34 CDT 2009


 I am running a parallel code on a 10 node SMP cluster. The code runs for
sometime after which I get the following error

Fatal error in MPI_Type_contiguous: Other MPI error, error stack:
MPI_Type_contiguous(120): MPI_Type_contiguous(count=253,
MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, new_type_p=0xbfd42800) failed
MPID_Type_contiguous(44): Out of memory
[cli_6]: aborting job:

However, when I run the code on other cluster with mpich 1 as the
programming environment, the code runs smoothly.

Suman Vajjala
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