[mpich-discuss] CPI test fails under Fedora 10

Darius Buntinas buntinas at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Jun 23 16:31:56 CDT 2009

Hmm, still not sure why you can't compile test_barriers.  Let's try this:

cd /home/Guest/Download/mpich2-1.1/src/openpa
cd test
make test_barriers


On 06/23/2009 03:45 PM, peter_raeth at juno.com wrote:
> You shouldn't need to reinstall F10, just "yum install glibc-devel"
> should do it if it's not installed.  "rpm -V glibc-devel" will verify
> that all of the files in the package are installed correctly.
> When you rebuild mpich2, please send us the c.txt and m.txt files
> (described on page 3 of the installer's guide).
> Thanks,
> -d
> ==============================================
> Wanted to be sure I actually installed everything from F10. Finished
> that process and reinstalled source mpich2.
> Attached is the console output when I tried to run "make test_barriers".
> Also attached are c.txt, m.txt, and mi.txt after the mpich2 install was
> finished. All the single-machine tests went well.
> Best,
> Peter.

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