[mpich-discuss] No hang-up with MPICH2

Marc levesqm at emt.inrs.ca
Mon Jun 22 08:07:52 CDT 2009

Greetings MPICH users,

I would like to run mpiexec with a SSH connection and be able to
disconnect without stopping the job. That requires the "nohup" command.
When I enter:

nohup time mpiexec -machinefile mach2000 -n 2 ./program

The output from nohup makes a huge file with errors:

mpiexec_my_cluster (handle_stdin_input 1067): stdin problem; if pgm is
run in background, redirect from /dev/null
mpiexec_goos-cluster.emt.inrs.ca (handle_stdin_input 1068):     e.g.:
mpiexec -n 4 a.out < /dev/null &

I tried:

nohup time mpiexec -machinefile mach2000 -n 2 ./program < /dev/null &

But it does the same thing. What's the correct syntax?

Best regards.


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