[mpich-discuss] nemesis

shenqian at tsinghua.org.cn shenqian at tsinghua.org.cn
Sun Aug 16 00:20:59 CDT 2009


I build mpich2-1.1.1 on top of open-mx-1.1.1, and have ch3:nemesis:mx enabled. Nemesis/MX should be compatible with Open-MX, isn't it? I test the examples shipped by mpich2, they work well. But my MPI program always hang on MPI_Barrier(). The output messages are:

Open-MX: Send request (seqnum 105 sesnum 0) timeout, already sent 1001 times, resetting partner status
Open-MX: Cleaning partner 00:11:09:5b:7d:16 endpoint 0
Open-MX: Dropped 1 pending send requests to partner

It seems like that the requests can not be send to other nodes. If I switch to the traditional TCP/IP stack, use the ch3:nemesis device, the program can run successfully. 

Could anyone tell me how to handle this issue? 

Qian Shen

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