[mpich-discuss] Problems with multiple calls to MPI_Reduce?

Michael Ahlmann mahlmann at ucdavis.edu
Fri Jun 27 09:19:14 CDT 2008

    I had a similar problem, and it was caused by using non-unique tags 
for my calls.


Elliot Parkin wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I've ran into some difficulties using MPI_Reduce. It seems that after 
> it has been called some of the parameters in the code get set to 
> bizarre values. Also, if I call MPI_Reduce consecutively (to fill an 
> array with the maximum values across the processes) it doesn't appear 
> to work the third time and sets all values of the array to zero. Has 
> anybody else had this problem, and if so is there any way to 
> explain/fix this?
> Cheers,
> Elliot Parkin.
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