[MPICH] Confused about compiling/using mpich2

Gaetano Bellanca gaetano.bellanca at unife.it
Mon Jan 7 12:15:55 CST 2008

Dear Darius,

thank you for your answer. But I'm not sure this is the problem. In 
fact, MPI_Finalize is far from the point where the code is stopped by 
this error, and there are a lot of other routines before the end of 
the program. Moreover my code works works with MPICH1.2.7p1 (without 
this problem) and also with MPICH2 (if i run it with mpirun of the 
mpich1.2.7p1 instead of mpiexec or mpirun of MPICH2).

I'm rather confused about that .... maybe I'm doing something wrong 
in using mpiexec.



Gaetano Bellanca - Department of Engineering - University of Ferrara
Via Saragat, 1 - 44100 - Ferrara - ITALY
Voice (VoIP):  +39 0532 974809     Fax:  +39 0532 974870
mailto:gaetano.bellanca at unife.it

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