Rusty Lusk lusk at mcs.anl.gov
Mon Jun 20 11:07:39 CDT 2005

First, be sure you are using the latest release of MPICH2, which is
1.0.2.  Then read the troubleshooting part of the Installer's Guide on
using mpdcheck to look at your machine configuration.

Rusty Lusk

From: "Kevin C." <kevingpo at hotmail.com>
Subject: [MPICH] HELP
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 16:59:05 +0100

> I am having troubles using MPICH1 and MPICH2 for windows and linux.
> Am trying to run tests on a single workstation (using the mpirun -np 5 or 
> mpiexec -np 5).
> On linux when I try to run I get:
> Access denied. I checked the manual and it says its something to do
> with firewall. I do remember setting a firewall on Fedora Core 3. But I
> don't know how to turn it off.
> On windows I always get either child process aborted because it didn't
> hear anything from root process, or it asks me for login/password.
> However, I only have one login and that's the 2nd administrator. I've
> tried the username/password many times and it still doesn't work.

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