[MPICH] debugging a fortran 90 program with mpich2

Anthony Chan chan at mcs.anl.gov
Wed Jul 20 13:56:36 CDT 2005

On Wed, 20 Jul 2005, Kamaraju Kusumanchi wrote:

> > You can try the -gdb option on mpiexec.  A description of how this works
> > can be found in the User's Guide in the doc directory.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Rusty Lusk
> >
> I read the chapter 8 on user's guide. It is very useful. Thank you.
> 1) Is there any support available for ddd along with gdb?
>  2) If I am running 4 processor job, can I open 4 separate windows
> each showing their own individual status etc? Is it possible? I know
> my explanation sounds vague but one of my friends showed me this long
> back and I do not know whether this is for mpich or for someother
> stuff.

Yes. try

"mpiexec -n 4 ddd a.out"

where a.out is the name of your f90 program.


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